silver jewelry findings wholesale Please introduce Chopin and his works

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  1. jsworldtrading wholesale jewelry Flidiach Chopin (1810-1849) was born in the suburbs of Warsaw, Greyazov Volt. His father, Nicholas, was originally a French. He later moved to Poland and participated in the rebels of the invaders led by the Polish national hero Kos Qianke (1746-1817) in 1794. After the uprising failed, Watsha, relying on the working days of teaching. Later, he opened a boarding school at home. From then on, he no longer participated in political affairs and only wanted to live safely. However, he and the cultural circles of Warsaw have close contacts, which affects the growth of Xiao Bang.

    The Chopin has shown special music from an early age, which can not only play the piano, but also compose. At the age of seven, he published his first work -G minor Polish dance. At the age of eight, he held the first public performance. Since then, Chopin has been playing the "prodigy" as a piano, and is often invited to perform by Warsaw's nobles, and has become the darling of the aristocratic salon. In 1825, the Russian Tsar Alexander I came to Warsaw to participate in the Polish Parliament also attended a record of Chopin and gave Chopin a diamond ring. These experiences of Chopin's childhood and teenagers have formed a strong contrast with his subsequent encounters.

    A Chopin also came into contact with the folk music of Polish urban and rural areas and the thoughts of many Polish patriots. Since 1826, Chopin officially became a student of the Conservatory of Music and has interacted with many teachers and students of ideological progress. Over the years, Xiao Zheng often went to the countryside for vacation. He appreciated the natural scenery of the motherland, listened to the singing and music of farmers, and attended the rural dance and wedding. The culture of the motherland and the nation of the nation, just like seeds, sowed in Chopin's heart.

    in Poland from the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the 19th century. It is a disaster and difficult country, but it is also a singing nation. In 1772, 1793, and 1795, the three strong powers of Russia, Prussia, and Austria made three melons on the weak Poland. They divide the territory of Poland, slavery the people of Poland, and also want to kill the people's national consciousness to enable them to rule up for a long time. However, as a Polish patriotic song sings: "Poland will not die!" The Polish people always insist on the indomitable patriotic struggle. In the first half of the nineteenth century, Poland's progress and national romantic literature and art played a great role in promoting this struggle. At that time, a group of patriotic thinkers and literary artists emerged in Poland. They advocate literature and art with distinctive national characteristics, the ideological content of love people and freedom, and rich emotional colors. These ideas have a profound impact on Chopin. Chopin's friend, Polish poet Witwitzki wrote to Chopin: "As long as you often remember, nationality, nationality, and ethnicity ... Just like the nature of the motherland in Poland, Poland Similarly, there are also the melody of the motherland. Alpine, forests, rivers, and grass have their own inner and motherland sounds. Although not every heart can hear its voice. "He repeatedly told Chopin to" for the people, for the people, Through the people! "Chopin's teacher Elsna also said to Chopin:" You are a genius, write for the people, and write it with popularity and nationality. "All of this brought about the future ideological development of Chopin. profound impact.

    In 1830, the July Revolution broke out in France. It not only combates the feudal rule of the European reaction "Sacred League", but also promotes the revolution of European countries. At this time, Poland's patriotic forces were excited again, and the secret patriotic organizations were also active. Regardless of the arrest and suppression of the reactionary authorities, they brewed a new uprising. It was in such a turbulent situation that Chopin's loved ones, teachers and friends urged Chopin to go abroad to further study and achieve honor to the motherland through his music creation and performance. For this reason, Chopin is in a fierce ideological struggle, and patriotism makes him want to stay; his career makes him want to leave. He wrote: "I'm still here, I can't decide to set off. I think I will never return to my hometown if I leave Warsaw. I am convinced that I want to say goodbye with my hometown. What a sad thing! "The painful and forever tormenting him, but the encouragement, instructions, and expectations of relatives and friends encouraged him to realize that he had the responsibility to go abroad to praise the motherland and his own Nation, he was excited again. He wrote: "I am willing to sing all the voices inspired by anger and unrestrained emotions, so that my work (at least part of it) can be used as John (referring to the 17th century Polish siege John John III Sobesky. He had defeated the Turkish aggressor, regained the territory of the motherland, and leaned out of the Turks from Vienna and Hungary. .

    On November 2, 1830, the cold wind of Xiaosa added the autumn meaning of Warsaw and added the pain when parting.

    "No matter where you stay or wandering, I hope you will never forget the motherland, never stop the love of the motherland, and a warm and loyal heart. "

    This receiving a silver cup full of the soil of the motherland given by friends, which symbolizes the motherland will always be accompanied by him. What makes Chopin also moved to Chopin to send off to the outskirts of Warsaw, Warsaw, ——When Chopin's birthplace, Volia, his teachers Elsna and some of the students of the Warsaw Conservatory of Music have waited there and sang a chorus written by Elsnat to send a chorus written by Xiao Bang. :

    "Your talents can grow from our land, I hope it will be fully promoted everywhere, ... Through your music audio, through our Mazuk, Clarcovia Ke (Polish Folk Dance) shows the glory of your motherland. "

    Themaking scenes such a farewell scene, such exciting words, making Chopin a sense of intersection, and crying when you board the journey.

    Surie The uprising broke out and succeeded. It is said that when Chopin heard the news of the Warsaw Uprising, he was extremely excited. He had intended to return to China. Xiao Zeng hired a post car to catch up and was ready to return to China with him. As a result, he returned to Vienna because he failed to catch up. At this time, Xiao Zheng wrote in the letter to Warsaw's friend Matsinsky: "Why am I am I am Can't be together, why can't I be a drummer! Intersection Intersection "

    The Warsaw Uprising in November 1830, once achieved a brilliant victory, rushed to the Russian invading army and established Poland's own regime. This heroic performance of the Poland people shocked the entire European It is a glorious page in the history of the European Revolution. However, less than a year after the victory, due to the betrayal of the Polish aristocracy, the results of the uprising were broken. It's going on. On a cold wind, Chopin heard the news of Warsaw's sinking down during his journey to Paris. At this time, he was indignant and sad. In the letter written to Titus, he He expressed his indignation to the invaders: "... Ah, God, you exist! Exist without retribution! Regardless of the crime of Moscow, or or yourself, you are Moscow! My poor father! My noble father, maybe he is hungry, and he has no money to buy bread for his mother! My sister may be raped by the wild Moscow's defeat! Paskovic (Paskovic is the commander of the Russian commander of Warsaw.), The bitch of the Mo Tomb Liev occupied the place where the first -class monarch country in Europe! Intersection Will Moscow become the tactics of the world? ......! Why can't I kill a Moscow guy! "Although Chopin's father has repeatedly advised him not to abandon Russia's" nationality "(the Polish residents under the rule of Russia were" Russian "), but Chopin never extended his Russian passport in Vienna, but willing to give up" Russian nationality ", When a" non -nationality "exile in Poland. At the same time, Chopin did not use Russia's reactionary leader Constantin to the Russian ambassador to the Russian ambassador to Vienna in Vienna. Boundary. The Polish national independence movement marked by Warsaw Uprising is like a patriotic university, which has created countless Polish national soldiers and nurtured a group of Polish ethnic Ai artists. When they first left Warsaw, the second Chopin, ten years old, is quite naive, but after the Warsaw Uprising. Twenty -one -year -old Chopin has been tempered by the disaster of the motherland. His love for the motherland and the hatred of the enemy have become stronger.

    When Chopin arrived in Paris in 1831, France was in the "July Dynasty" period of the Constitution of the monarchy. , Economic and Cultural Center -Paris, although it has a long tradition in culture and art, has become one of the cultural and art centers of Europe, but as Chopin said in Paris: "There is the most glorious luxury here. There is the most humble humiliation, the greatest compassion, and the greatest sin; every action is related to Huayiu; shouting, clamor, rumbling and dirtyness to the unimaginable level, so that you in this paradise in this paradise Be sure to be at a loss, that is to say, no one can ask a person how to live ... "In order to stabilize the foothold in Paris, Chopin and people in the upper society are interacting. The environment determines him." He lives in this circle. "In early 1833, Chopin wrote in a letter to Dogwanovsky:" I have entered the top society and associate with the ambassador, the Duke, and the Minister ... because it is said that the noble interests are the noble interests is Starting here; if someone has heard you in the British or Austrian Embassy, ​​you will have greater talents soon; if you make the Duke Walmmont, you can play better. "It can be seen that although Chopin has opened the situation and succeeds in Paris, he is dissatisfied. The luxury and false of the upper society cannot comfort the painful heart of an exile man who is full of hate. At the end of the year, he wrote a beautiful minister to Paris: "A Polish who could no longer endure the miserable fate of the motherland and came to Paris for nearly a year -this is all I can use to make myself from doing myself. Title -respectfully asking you to ask him for the Conservatory's Hall for him to hold a concert on January 20 ... ". This letter clearly shows that Chopin's identity in Paris and his mood. The interaction of characters increasingly made him feel that the "wigs covered with huge emptiness. "Only with the overseas Chinese of Poland can he feel kind. He enthusiastically and selflessly helps exile Polish compatriots, often talking with them, recalling them, and playing for them. In 1836, it was called" Poland of Poland. Pagnini "(Pagnini was the most outstanding violinist in Italy at that time, and the famous violinist Panzki came to Paris to perform, Chopin actively prepared for him. The only requirement was that He held a concert for the Polish diaspora. At first Ripiski agreed, but later refused because he was going to perform in Russia. If he performed for Polish for Polish, it would cause Russians' resentment. The "reason" anger Chopin, and he cut off his friendship with Lipingzki. In 1837, the Russian ambassador to France to draw Chopin in the name of the Tsar Palace Court, asking him to accept the position and position of "Her Majesty's Chief Pianist" and The title, saying that this was because Chopin did not participate in the Warsaw Uprising in 1830. Chopin rejected it, and replied to the place of righteousness: "Although I did not participate in the 1830 revolution, because I was too young at the time, but mine was my The heart is with those revolutionaries. "This firm answer and the contempt of Aoan gave a loud slap in the northern tyrant. From this series of performances, it can be seen that Chopin has not disappointed the expectations and instructions of relatives and friends and teachers. Heart.

    Chopin became famous in Paris. He won people's high respect through his creation, performance and piano teaching. In Paris, "entertainment has become slutter, and gold here.一 and blood are mixed together. "Although Chopin has a disgusted society in Paris, most of his activities are limited to the superior salon, and he has gradually lived a superior life. Consciousness must also have a certain impact and system, which makes him lacks his understanding and sympathy for the bourgeois democratic revolution and social reform, which is closely related to his relationship with many Poland nobles and his children. After the uprising failed, there were thousands of Polish people exiled abroad, two of which were in France, most of which were intellectuals from aristocrats. These people can be roughly divided into two factions, conservatives and democracy in politics. Conservatives. Conservatives. The faction tends to the constitutional monarchy, and is not enthusiastic about social reform; the democratic school advocates immediately liberating farmers and opposed to the authoritarian system. For Polish democrats in Paris, Chopin does not know. The ground is the same as conservatives. Therefore, Chopin has performed quite coldly for the bourgeois democratic revolution that broke out in France in 1830 and 1848. These must be said to be a reflection of class limitations in Chopin.

    Chopin has been settled in Paris since then, and occasionally travels to the country. In 1835, he went to Kalsh Bad in Germany to meet his parents briefly. Ji's daughter Maria had a relationship with her. The following year, Chopin proposed to her, but because Chopin was not a noble, he was just a "musician" and was rejected by Maria's father. French female writer George Sang, after about a year, they lived together and broke up until 1847. Chopin often associated with famous literary artists in Paris, such as Polish poet Mitz Kavi, France Writer Hugo, Balzak, German poet Heine, French painter Dracrova, Hungarian composer, pianist Liszt, Italian composer Belilini, French composer Berliaz, etc. Each person's style and personality are often inconsistent, but their interaction with each other enables each other to inspire ideas and creation. This is a comfort of Chopin's spiritual life. , Still full of sense of loneliness that is difficult to discharge. The feelings of being a guest in his hometown and no relatives have always made him sad. From the middle of the 1930s, Chopin was often sick and his body was quite weak. Chopin does not like to come to money and honor. His biggest pleasure is to be with Polish compatriots. He said, "It's like you can't refuse to take medicine to the patient. No matter which one of them comes, I will sit down and play the piano, and sometimes I don't even say a word. My music has caused them more than once. Isn't this tears the highest cross from national artists (meaning rewards)? "In 1841, Chopin wrote in a letter to his friends:" Will we still return to the motherland? Intersection Or is it completely crazy? Intersection I don't worry about Mitzcaiwen and Sorbontzky -this is some strong heads, and these heads will not lose their minds and strength after several exile lives. "From these words, it can be seen that Chopin as a" voluntary political exile "is suffering from a foreign country. However, he would rather suffer this suffering, and he would not want to return to Poland to be the" Shunmin "under the rule of alien.
    In 1848, he was invited to visit the United Kingdom and Scotland. Although he was warmly welcomed, he was very disgusted. "He wrote like this when he was in the UK:" In my heart, I don't want to do anything ... ... I feel sad in my heart, but I anesthetize myself, ... I feel a kind of dullness. The pain, ... I have never experienced real happiness. I couldn't feel anything at all, I just lived like a plant, waiting for my end with patience. "Chopin's last years has completed the end of his personal tragedy. However, for the motherland, Chopin has always thought about the future motherland's revival. In 1846, the Clarkov uprising broke out in Poland. Uprising. These incidents have aroused Chopin's enthusiasm. He cheered in the letter: "Clarkov's affairs are excellent"; "Gariasia farmers made examples for Wallen and Podor farmers; terrible things It cannot be avoided, but in the end, Poland will be a strong and beautiful Poland, in short, Poland. "In March 1848, the Principality of the Bolz South Uprising, and was suppressed by Prussia in April. Chopin also expressed great regrets:" I ... know all the terrible things about the Principality of Poznan. information. Except for misfortune, it is unfortunate. I have been gray. "The deep care of the fate of the motherland, the enthusiasm for the future of the motherland, reflects Chopin's unwavering love for the motherland. It is this love that makes Chopin say his last wish:" I know, Paskovic never never never Allow me to transport my body back to Warsaw, then at least transport my heart back. "In 1849, after Chopin's death, his body was buried in the Peter Rashz cemeteries in Paris in his instructions, and he was close to his favorite composer to see the tomb of Lini. The motherland in the silver cup was scattered on his cemetery. Chopin's heart was transported back to the motherland he longed for, buried in the land that nurtured his growth.

    [Chopin's creation]

    Chopin's creation is closely related to his era, social background, personal thoughts, and life. Chopin's creative career lasted for more than 30 years (1817-1849), which can be divided into two major periods : ① Warsaw period (before 1830); ② Paris period (1831-1849).

    This of Chopin spent the twenty years in Warsaw, in general, it is pleasant and cheerful. Reflection. In the creation of this period, the tone of emotions is optimistic, but the depth of thought is limited. Although in this period, Chopin has written two piano concerto, some exercises, and some Mazuka dance music. Excellent works, but after all, the works of the Warsaw period cannot surpass the testimony of a test that has not yet experienced a life of life, and the ideological limitations of young people under 20 years old. Fresh and bright are the tone of most works during the Chopin Warsaw period, but some from some of them have some, but some of them have some. In the work. It can also be seen that the characteristics of too gorgeous and even weak decorations can be seen, and it is seen that it was affected by the European salon and Polish aristocracy at that time. In 1829, Chopin wrote after performing in Vienna. The nobles like me. "However, Chopin's early creation is extremely valuable: it has already shown the national characteristics of Poland. The genre, rhythm of various folk dances, and the artistic conception and emotion of custom life make his works very vivid and touching. D Small Tune Polish Dance (OP.71 NRL) and A minor Mazuka Dance (OP.17 NR4, "Little Jewish"). The first work written by Chopin in his life is the Polish dance music (1817), the last one written by the writing, the last one written The first work is the Mazuka dance song (1849) with the rich Polish folk colors. This symbolizes the life of Chopin's life as a Polish ethnic composer, a life connected to the Polish people and Polish soil. The melody composition of folk songs is created by himself according to the character and tone of the Polish national folk music. His music has a strong Polish style and the characteristics of personal originality;但又是经过精心加工和艺术提高的。 rnrn 1830年至1831年华沙起义的成功、失败,不仅决定了肖邦一生中的重大转变,促使肖邦的思想走同成熟,并且It is also the watershed in the early and late period of his creation. The difference before and after this seems so huge, even if it seems to be a two -person. Since then, Chopin's works have higher ideas, deeper emotions, and more magnificent. The characteristics of lyric poetry have evolved to have the characteristics of national epic. Under the Warsaw Uprising, the C minor tune exercise, A minor, and D minor song produced by the Warsaw marks the occurrence of this sudden change. The magnificent epic music such as the harmonious song and the first narrative song also fully shows the change of the entire style.

    Chopin's creation in Paris quickly entered the maturity period. The creation of the following later can be divided into two In the category, one is linked to the rise and fall of the motherland or the mind of the motherland, and one reflects Chopin's life feelings and affection in Paris. From the style of music, it can also be divided into two categories: one is The magnificent and dramatic nature; one is full of poetic and lyrical. Many bourgeois critics only see or only emphasize the lyrical and delicate side of Chopin, and even call Chopin "Salon composer" and "ward composition Home ", this is a distorted. Although Chopin is weak and the piano performance is famous for its delicate and implicit, his spiritual realm and ideological emotional world are broad and magnificent. Only one ethnic warrior can have it. The tragedy of the rapids, the tragedy of the nation, and the conflict of life have made Chopin's works so huge. But this grandness does not prevent Chopin music's delicateness, strong dramatic and beautiful lyricism, which is opposed and unified in his works. For example, the strong mid -section of the lift C small night song (OP.27 NRL) forms a sharp contrast with the quiet first and tail; the second narrative song repeatedly alternately alternately appears in two segments. What is determined is the overall development of organic development, the result of performance, and It is by no means a comparison in a pure form.

    In the last few years of Chopin, although there are still some works with high emotions, such as "Fantasy Polish Dance" (0p.61), but more, it has a kind of No dispute. This is rare in his past creations. It must be said that this is the result of the decline of life and pessimism. In terms of quantity, the work in the last few years was very small, which was related to Chopin's physical weakness and depression at the time.

    Chopin's works are almost all piano songs. Although his teacher Elsna and others have repeatedly encouraged him to engage in the creation of national operas, Chopin knows his strengths and shortcomings, always limited to piano creation. The limit of creative scope does not affect the greatness of Shangbang as a composer. In the field of piano music, he not only wrote a lot of outstanding works, but also made a significant contribution to the historical development of piano music and even the entire music creation. His works inherit and carry forward the tradition of classical music in the early 18th and 19th centuries, and greatly enrich the world of romantic music in the first half of Europe in the first half of Europe, and continue to continue the romantic music of romantic music in the second half of the nineteenth century. Development, the rise of various ethnic groups, and the development of modern music (including Impressionist music, including the 19th and twentieth centuries), have since been inspired and influenced. His original works are often rich in songs, moving and deep melody, rich and very expressive, vivid rhythm, and often closely linked with Polish folk music and dance. Diverse, also highly creative.
    Chopin, Polish composer, pianist. Born on March 1, 1810 in Jirazovalla, Warsaw. His father was originally from France and his mother was Polish. He was an abnormally precocious child, who wrote poetry and jujube at the age of six. His music genius quickly proved that he was destined to be "Mozart's later person". When he was nine years old, he played publicly at the concert. After leaving the field, he looked more concerned about his collar, not his extraordinary performance skills. He said to his mother, "Everyone is watching my collar. , Mom. "

    It after graduating from middle school, she entered the Warsaw Conservatory of Music and started early creative activities. He settled in Paris after 1830 and spent the second half of his life there. Chopin has never returned to China since then. At that time, in the era when the Polish ethnic liberation movement was rising, the national struggle against foreign slavery and fighting for freedom and independence had a profound impact on young Chopin's thoughts, thereby cultivating his national feelings and patriotism.

    1837, he strictly rejected the position of "Her Majesty's Pianist" awarded him by Russia. Schumann said his music was like "a cannon hidden in the flowers." Chopin announced to the world that "Poland will not perish", which shows that he is patriotic. In his later years, he lived lonely and painfully claimed to be "away from his mother's orphan". Since 1846, Chopin's creation has begun to decline. On the one hand, due to the several setbacks of the Polish national movement, he hit him a lot; on the other hand, the love rupture of the love and physical weakness of the same as the writer George Sang, which greatly affected his creative enthusiasm and his health worsened. He died in Paris apartment on October 17, 1849. At the end of his death, he ordered his loved ones to transport his heart back to the motherland.

    A Chopin's creative career can be divided into two periods with 1830, namely Warsaw and Paris. In the first period, he completed the most important work "First Piano Concerto" and "Second Piano Concerto". During the Paris period in the later half of his life, he had hero works "First narrative Poem" and "A Great -Polish Dance" that were linked to the Polish ethnic liberation struggle. "B Small True Harmony", a tragic work with the fate of the motherland, "Belish B Sonal", and many fantasy songs and night songs.

    Steel when he went to Paris in early September 1831, he learned that the uprising was suppressed by Tsarist Russia and the bad news of Warsaw's falling. "C Minor Tune Music" (alias "Revolutionary Exercise", 1831) and "D Minor" (1831), which was completed at this time. The anger and sorrow have reached a highly perfect unity between the art forms of strict and clean -up and refining, becoming a masterpiece in the early music creation of Chopin. The Paris period is a period of highly mature and heyday of Chopin's ideology and art. Deep ethnic content, original art form and music style have made it the point where the creation has reached the pure fire. Chopin only established a legendary honor in all his career in his entire career, which has no example in the history of piano performance. Chopin respects and inherits the tradition of classical music, but his piano skills have a unique style. Especially in his Mazuka and Poronaz dance music, the creatively uses national folk tuning, harmony and characteristics rhythm, showing a authentic "Mazuer" pair of national character, style, taste, and right -handed. Familiarity and understanding of artistic language.

    Amproxation is a star in the 19th century European music scene. His immortal works with a strong poetic and regrettable lyricism and dramatic power represent the romantic music of the "Golden Age". At the same time, his creation has a strong Polish national temperament and emotional content, and it occupies a very important position in the history of European music. On the one hand, he is known for its outstanding representatives of European romantic musicians, and on the other hand, the founder of the 199th century national music school is included in the history book. The reason why Chopin is great is also because he closely integrates the romantic era style and patriotism's spiritual content in music works.

    [Liszt talks about Chopin]

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