corona wholesale jewelry Virtual machine CPUID.1.EAX = does not support AMD

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2 thoughts on “corona wholesale jewelry Virtual machine CPUID.1.EAX = does not support AMD”

  1. wholesale dog themed jewelry The following 3 methods are introduced:
    In the operating system configuration file. For example, I installed the CentOS system, so there will be a CentOS.VMX file in the operating system saving directory. Find Guestos to change the value to darwin10, that is, guestos = darwin10.
    The operating system configuration file of the .vmx suffix. Add the following code cpuid.1.eax = "0000: 0000: 0000: 0001: 0000: 0110: 1010: 0101" Turn off the virtual power supply, and start the virtual machine again It should be OK.
    In the "task manager", then select "Process", find VMware right -click, select "Relationship Settings" under XP, select "Settings Related" under WIN7 will appear to have the relationship between this process and various CPUs. Check one of them, it's OK. If CPU0 does not work, change CPU1, but only one.

  2. gemelli jewelry wholesale Open the operating system configuration file of the .vmx suffix you downloaded in the notepad, delete the following two lines of code, and then save it
    cpuid.1.eax = "xxxxxx"
    cpuid.edx = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx =" xxxxxxxxxxX "

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